How many times have you found yourself sitting in the middle of a school professional development aimed at classroom teachers? I know I’ve been there. We doodle in our notebooks and daydream of school librarian professional development just for us. We need PD that addresses the many facets of our roles within our schools. Our professional development must prepare us to meet the needs of
Back to School in the Library During Covid-19
Educators across the country (and the world) are getting ready to go back to school. However, many of us still don’t know how to plan for a successful start to the school year. If we want to be successful in getting back to school in the library, it’s time to start planning. Even if your school or district has not yet released plans for the
More Ideas for Collaboration in the School Library
As school librarians, we are constantly striving to form collaborative relationships with classroom teachers and content area teachers. We know that school library collaboration strengthens and deepens learning for our students. When we work with teachers to support and augment classroom instruction, our students benefit greatly. In my last post, Students Benefit from Collaboration in the School Library, I shared some ideas for collaborating with
How to Effectively Advocate for your School Library
School library advocacy is more important now than ever. Get tips for how to effectively advocate for your school library.
Why You Should Advocate for your School Library
Education in the midst of a pandemic brought a great deal of uncertainty. School districts had to cut back on budgets and eliminate positions as they reorganized for the 2020 – 2021 school year. As librarians we had to refresh our advocacy skills and learn how to effectively advocate for our school library programs. Since we never know when future budget cuts may threaten our
Everyday Should Be Library Day!
I was just getting ready to print my library day bookmarks for the upcoming school year when a conversation (started by the wise Jen Jones of Hello Literacy and continued by the inspiring Jessica Martin of The Whimsical Teacher) erupted on Instagram about the fact that some schools are so strict with “library days” that they won’t allow students to check out books or visit