Last Updated on July 25, 2023 by Laura

Do you promote kids book series in your elementary library? Series books can build excitement around reading in unique ways! There are many reasons I believe you should be promoting series books in your elementary library.
Kids love to follow the characters!
Reading a kids book series like the Magic Treehouse helps students get to know the characters well. Kids make connections between the characters and themselves. Do they get excited about learning facts like Jack? Or do they prefer magic and fantasy like Annie? By reading multiple books in a series, students have an opportunity to notice how characters learn, grow, and change over time. Not only does this support a common core reading standard, but it most certainly helps our students form connections to themselves!
Kids Series Books Build Reading Success
The familiarity of books in a series can provide scaffolding for our students to build reading success. Readers bring background knowledge from previous books in the series and have already figured out character names, settings, and events. They are ready to build upon that knowledge with each consecutive book.
Series Books Build Stamina
In elementary school reading classes we work on helping students build stamina, to be able to read for longer periods of time. You will see student reading stamina grow as they progress through the books in their new favorite series! This is significant because these young readers are following a storyline through several books, which is strengthening their reading comprehension skills as well.

Promoting Kids Book Series Makes More Books Available
By promoting kids book series to your elementary readers, you’re actually making more books available to your students. Think about it – when you book talk a fantastic series, you’re exposing them to the whole list of books in that series. Since many series books don’t need to be read in order, several students can be reading from the series at the same time. And this means that friends and classmates can be talking about good books and spreading the love of reading faster!
Keep them coming back for more!
Sometimes all it takes is a good book series to hook any reader, reluctant or otherwise. And once they’re hooked, you’re going to see repeat customers in your school library. When you promote kids book series you give your elementary students a reason to keep coming back for more! And that’s good for everyone!
Help your students find their next favorite book series
It can be hard to keep up on all the fantastic kids book series out there. This Book Series Bundle has book series lists in order for over 120 popular chapter book series. Also included are my popular book series bookmarks for over 30 chapter book series. Print them with the series list on one side and fun quote from the book, author, or publisher on the other.
- The answer to “What comes next?” at your students’ fingertips
- Students will find their next favorite series
- They can keep track of the series books they’ve read
Look at the preview and see why this helpful resource is used in over 1,200 libraries and classrooms!
Here’s to encouraging a lifelong love of reading!
Be the light!