Last Updated on August 11, 2021 by Laura

Seasonal book displays are a great way to brighten up your school library. Eye-catching book arrangements will draw the interest of your students and might just hook your readers on a new book. I’ve got some school library book display ideas for you!
Create Monthly Displays

The easiest way to get started with book displays in your school library is to start with a monthly display. Use a large counter or the top of some bookshelves to display your books. Does the month have a holiday, a sports season, a special event? Find all of the books your library has on those topics and gather them together. Add some props and decorations if you really want the members of your school community to take notice!
Brainstorm Seasonal Topics
If you want to branch out, choose some strong seasonal topics that are represented in your collection. List topics for each season and create a bibliography that you can refer to in future years. In October, I make a special display for Fire Prevention Week. In another part of the library, we have a fun Halloween display. Other Fall topics can include Native American culture, explorers, elections, Labor Day, Veterans Day, and the 9/11 Day of Remembrance. I like to use colorful signs to indicate the topics, so readers can find what they are looking for easily.
Mix Up New and Old Books
It’s always great to get some new books on display and out for our students to notice. Seasonal book displays can also revive old titles by reminding our readers of some good books they may have overlooked in the past. Including older titles in your book displays can help with circulation. If there is still no interest in an older book after you’ve featured it, perhaps it’s time to consider deselection.
Add to your Purchasing Lists
I found that by creating monthly book displays, I regularly examined my library collection through a seasonal lens. I was able to see which of these areas needed updated titles and regularly added to my purchasing lists at the same time that I was creating the displays. This is a great way to insure your collection remains current. It’s fun to shop for Halloween books in October or Christmas and Hanukkah books in December because that is often when the newest seasonal titles are released.
Change Your School Library Book Displays Regularly
When you change your library book displays monthly, your students will look forward to coming to the library to find new books each month. I know my students like to read books on timely topics, especially holiday books. These displays keep your library looking fresh and fun and inviting. Continually updating your school library book displays to reflect the seasons will keep your readers coming back for more!
Add Some Fun to Your School Library Book Displays!
If you’re looking for some fun, colorful, eye-catching book display signs, take a look at the great variety featured in this money saving bundle. Each season contains colorful signs for timely topics and a list of events by date. Use the list to help you plan your book displays and to give you ideas for your library lessons!
There’s even a free set of months signs you can try out right now! Click here to grab the year round set.
Have fun making your library the center of your school with fantastic book displays!
Be the light!
I was wondering the holder you are using, where did you find that?
Thank you
Carolyn Johnson
Hi Carolyn – I purchased those sign holders from the Scholastic Instructional Resource Catalog years ago. I have not been able to find them recently, but have found some sign holders on Amazon that may work. Hope you have a great school year!
Dear MS Laura . thanks a lot for your great ideas which you are always submitting for us. really you are the best elementary librarian ever.
Thanks for your kind words and for staying connected!