One year the newest Star Wars movie was coming out right before our winter break, so it was the perfect time to build excitement in our library around a new theme. That year, my music and physical education colleagues wanted to tap into the latest movie buzz with Star Wars themed activities throughout our school. For one of our library activities we tried a Star
14 Halloween Picture Books for an Engaging Storytime
I love to have holiday-themed storytime classes for my kindergarten, first grade, and second grade students. The right combination of fiction and nonfiction books, along with a song and a fun activity builds enthusiasm and positive connections for my students. One of my favorites is Halloween Storytime! I’d like to share my favorite Halloween picture books to use in the primary grades in your elementary
Fun Books and Songs for Leprechaun Storytime!
March is definitely the time for a fun Leprechaun Storytime in your elementary library or classroom! I’ve got some fun picture books and lively songs to share that will help you plan your own St. Patrick’s Day storytime session for your kindergarten and first grade students. This post contains Amazon affiliate links for your convenience. This means that if you click on a link and
Celebrate Chinese New Year With These 7 Picture Books
Chinese New Year is a fun time for our students to learn about the traditions of a culture that may be unfamiliar to them.ย It can be a bright spot in the middle of winter, a reason to celebrate in your classroom or school library.ย I’d like to share my favorite read alouds for Lunar New Year and Chinese New Year.ย I recommend pairing an