I know you’re working hard in your elementary library to meet the needs of your students and your school community. Since we’re usually the only librarian in the building, it can get lonely!
That’s why I teamed up with some creative friends to bring you a FREE newsletter for elementary librarians each month. Every issue contains helpful ideas for library lessons, activities, books, library management, bulletin boards, and more!
We want you to know that you’re not alone – you’ve got a team of library pals cheering you on!
Count on Your Librarian Friends!
The collaborators are veteran school librarians that you can count on to share resources and ideas that have worked in their libraries. Some of us are still working as school librarians, and some of us are retired or taking a break right now. (I’m a mix of both – retired from my full time job, but currently working part time in 3 small country schools.) Together we’ve got over 100 years of experience in education!!
Our team members:
- Sonya Dykeman (The Library Patch)
- Julie Olson (That Library Girl)
- Laura Trapp (That’s me! The Trapped Librarian)
The Library Helpers Newsletter comes out around the first of the month (we take a break in July). You can come here to grab them, or subscribe to my email list to get the latest issue delivered to your inbox each month.
The links below will take you to the PDF version of each newsletter. Feel free to download them, print them, or you can click the links right from your device.
I’m hoping you can feel our love and support!
Library Helpers Newsletters
Back Issues of the Elementary Library Ideas Newsletters:
August 2024 (Back to School Double Issue!)